Reduction of speed limit to 60 km/h in residential areas resulted in 30% fall in accident rate where cameras were installed.

Urban improvement departments are responsible for road maintenance, winter road maintenance and landscaping in the cities. 

19:11 12.09.2023
Price of methane gas to be strictly controlled not exceeding 3250 sums per cubic meter in the next 6 months

The draft of Cabinet Ministers Resolution "On Additional Measures to Introduce Market Mechanisms in the Fuel and Energy sector" was posted on the portal of public consultation of draft regulatory legal acts. 

12:44 12.09.2023
Largest amount of narcotics in the last 30 years — 8.5 tons —seized at the Tashkent International Airport 

Although the confectionery poppy seeds which are usually added to various baked goods or sprinkled as toppings may seem alike to opium poppy, but are fundamentally different from it's counterpart. Food poppy is the seed of grass plants belonging to...

10:45 08.09.2023
Uzbek who headed one of the terrorist organizations in Syria killed  

A citizen of Uzbekistan, who led one of the terrorist organizations, was killed during  the battles in Syria. This was reported by the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Tashkent.

18:24 07.09.2023
Experts: The Samarkand Conference is important

The International Conference on Food Security in Samarkand continues.

17:10 07.09.2023
No tuition fee  increase this year at State Higher Education Institutions (HEI)

For the 2023-2024 academic year, the amount of tuition fee for students of all levels at state HEI, including ones with financial independence, will remain unchanged at the amount set for the 2022 - 2023 academic year. This was reported...

15:51 05.09.2023
President handed high state honor awards

Head of our state first congratulated the participants of the ceremony on the Independence Day and expressed his best wishes. Uzbekistan's huge path of development over the years and changes in all spheres was stated. 

12:40 31.08.2023
50 schools next year and at least 100 schools to be built in 2025 based on public – private partnership

The head of our state gave assignments to officials to increase the coverage of school education.

19:16 28.08.2023
Number of subjects taught at high school to be reduced from 16 to 11

The second part of the textbooks prepared for primary classes was ordered to be printed in full.

17:42 28.08.2023
Teachers' salaries increased by an average of 2.5 times over the past period

On the eve of the new academic year, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a video conference to discuss issues of school education and identify priority tasks. Raising teachers' salaries was also mentioned. 

16:47 28.08.2023
Complex under construction in Samarkand region to create about ten thousand jobs

Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев Самарқанд туманида барпо этилаётган савдо, саноат ва сервис мажмуасининг қурилиш майдонида бўлди.

18:20 24.08.2023
A school named after Mirzo Ulugbek opened in Karabakh

The leader of our country said at the Informal Summit of the Turkic Council held on 31 March 2021 that Uzbekistan was ready to contribute to the restoration of monuments, cultural and educational centres in the Karabakh region as a...

21:10 23.08.2023
Presidents of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan discussed prospects of bilateral practical cooperation

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilhom Aliev held a meeting in a narrow format in  Zagulba residence.

21:03 22.08.2023
49 people got food poisoning in Samarkand

49 people got food poisoning in Samarkand

12:37 22.08.2023
Tax gap – coefficient in VAT refunds, to be abolished from October 1

Ҳозирги тадбиркорларни хавф гуруҳига киритиш тизими ёпиқ бўлиб, интизомли солиқ тўловчилар ҳам қайсидир ҳамкори қачонлардир хато қилган бўлса, унинг учун ҳам жавоб бермоқда.

14:34 18.08.2023
Sardor Umurzakov was dismissed from the post of Presidential Administration chief

In accordance with the relevant Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the position of the  Presidential Administration chief was terminated and a number of changes were made to the structure of the Presidential Administration.

17:40 17.08.2023
Uzbekistan abolishes imports duty on drugs and medical supplies

Imported drugs and medical supplies are exempted from customs clearance fee. Amendments were made to some regulatory legal documents by presidential decree. As it is stated: 

12:21 16.08.2023
A detained member of organized criminal group from Tashkent died in the Main Department of Internal Affairs

The Tashkent City Procurator's Office is currently investigating the case, and a medical examination has been appointed to establish the cause of U.D.'s death.

12:26 14.08.2023
10 million saplings died due to planting in areas without irrigation systems under the "Yashil Makon" nationwide project.

Within the framework of the nationwide project " Yashil Makon " (Green Space), a large-scale program has been adopted to increase the level of greening in all regions up to 30%. For this purpose it was planned:

14:46 11.08.2023
65 children died after taking cough syrup "Dok - 1 Maks"

The public trial of the criminal case related to cough syrup "Dok - 1 Maks", which killed 65 children in Uzbekistan, is scheduled to begin on August 11 this year at 10:00 a.m. The Supreme Court informed about it.

17:31 10.08.2023

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