Largest amount of narcotics in the last 30 years — 8.5 tons —seized at the Tashkent International Airport 

10:45 08 September 2023 Jamiyat
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The Customs Committee and the State Security Service at the customs post of foreign economic activity "Aviayuklar" of the specialised customs complex "Tashkent-Aero"  subjected to customs inspection 1000 bags of confectionery poppy seeds (considered as food product) with a total weight of 25 tones in accordance with the established procedure.  The seeds were brought to Uzbekistan from abroad by air and then planned to be transported in transit through the territory of our republic by cargo vehicle.

Although the confectionery poppy seeds which are usually added to various baked goods or sprinkled as toppings may seem alike to opium poppy, but are fundamentally different from it's counterpart. Food poppy is the seed of grass plants belonging to the poppy family, which is specially prepared and processed.  

However,  customs inspection revealed that among the 25 tons of seeds and straw, which were defined as confectionery poppy in the documents, there were 8.5 tons of poppy straw, which is considered as real narcotics.

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 12 November 2015 No. 330 " About enhancement of procedure for import, export and transit through the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan of drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, and also control of their turnover" dried poppy straw is a narcotic drug, the turnover of which is prohibited in the territory of Uzbekistan.

Currently, the customs authorities have initiated a criminal case in connection with this situation.

It is worth noting that the largest amount -  8.5 tons of narcotic drug discovery in one case was recorded for the first time in the last 30-year history of the customs service of Uzbekistan.



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