People who were returned from Wuhan coronavirus wasn’t determined

16:04 19 February 2020 Jamiyat
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Today the biggest attention of world is directed to coronavirus. In our country also organized measures against to this. As you know, one of the three charter flights which were sent on February 4-6 to bring our compatriots to China was from the town of Wuhan, which is a coronavirus outbreak.

For preventing as with other flights, qualified flight attendants and epidemiologists are involved in the flight, and the health of those arriving during the flight is under medical supervision. No passengers were identified during the flight, with rising body temperature or other health changes. About this department of public relations of The Ministry of Health reports detailed.

There were 84 people, including 5 citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 61 of them are men, 20 are women and 3 are underage children.

Passengers were taken to special buses in the Tashkent City Clinical hospital 6 to prevent the penetration and spread of coronavirus in Uzbekistan, to ensure safe sanitary-epidemiological situation and to protect public health.

84 people placed in this medical facility were sent home due to the end of the quarantine period recently.

The clinical hospital has 110 beds and is provided with the necessary medical equipment and necessary medications. At the recommendation of the World Health Organization, taking into account the period of coronavirus incubation, our compatriots, who were brought from Wuhan, were kept in quarantine for 14 days in accordance with international health and epidemiological requirements. At the beginning and end of the quarantine period, 84 people underwent virologic laboratory tests to determine if they had a coronavirus infection. The results of the analysis revealed that no citizen had coronavirus infection.



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