How has volunteering arisen?

19:04 27 February 2020 Jamiyat
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As you know, according to the law that on volunteer activities signed by President last year, regulated relations in the organization and implementation of volunteer activities. So, how far is the implementation of this document and what works are being done to promote it? In general, what else is needed to improve this work?

At the meeting which is held on by The development center of citizen county on theme “Волонтёрлик фаолиятини қўллаб-қувватлаш ва рағбатлантириш бўйича давлат сиёсатини амалга ошириш механизмлари: халқаро ва миллий тажриба” (Mechanisms for implementing state policies to support and encourage volunteerism: international and national experience) these issues were analyzed. In the meaning, “2020-2021 йилларда волонтёрлик фаолиятига мўлжалланган Давлат мақсадли дастури” (The state purposely program on volunteering in 2020-2021) which is being created during the roundtable of the execution of Law, was also discussed at the meeting.

In the view of working group for the development of this program, the most important factor of success in this area is the study of the experience of developed countries. For example, the US, Japan, Germany, Canada and more. Today, volunteering in more than 80 countries is well established and justified. In this regard, the project emphasized the need to encourage the work of volunteer organizations or groups, provide them with mini-grants, increase their status, and improve the system of partnerships between various volunteer organizations and non-profit organizations.

According to given information, until today, 20 specific offers have been submitted to this project as a result of roundtables, seminars and meetings held by representatives of Non government organizations. At the end of the project proposals of NGO representatives were considered and approved.


Rakhim Sherkulov



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