Tourists from London arrived to Uzbekistan

A group of tourists from London arrived to the capital of Uzbekistan by regular flight of Uzbekistan Airways on the route London-Tashkent. 40 citizens of of Bangladeshi origin, came on a pilgrimage ("ziyorat") tourism program.

16:18 05.04.2018
Visit ancient Samarkand

Ancient and still more majestic Samarkand is impeccable. To get an idea of a powerful city, you need to visit this ancient place. Not for nothing that the city was recognized as one of 50 cities in the world that...

10:10 11.03.2018
Welcome to Uzbekistan

Today Uzbekistan with its numerous ancient monuments, rich nature, and the present-day rapid progress attracts the whole world's attention.

10:00 11.03.2018
Innovation park in Samarkand

These days, large-scale construction and landscaping activities are being carried out in "Sugdiyona" park of the city of Samarkand. 

20:45 09.03.2018
Monument to two great poets

A monument to two outstanding representatives of Uzbek and Tajik literature – Alisher Navoi and Abdurakhman Jami is erected in Samarkand central park named after Alisher Navoi. 

19:40 08.03.2018
Uzbekistan Chess Championship among young people

Uzbekistan Chess Federation hosted Uzbekistan Chess Championship among young people under 14, 16 and 18 years of age. 

21:30 16.02.2018

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