Medical services in oncology are improving

13:20 06 March 2018 Jamiyat
4753 0

A press conference on current state of the oncological service and activities on its improvement in 2017 was held at the National Press Center. 

At present, oncological clinics in all regions of the country have been transformed into branches of the Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology. The existing buildings were reconstructed or overhauled. New buildings of branches were built in Syrdarya, Jizzakh, Navoi regions. 

Center for Cancer Prevention has been established for conducting screening examinations, establishing a unified information base of cancer patients, maintaining medical statistics, improving activities on prevention of cancer. 

In the current year, 5,5 million US dollars were allocated for medicine provision of oncological institutions. Two linear accelerators were purchased for conducting a radiotherapy. In addition, 11 gamma-therapeutic and 7 brachytherapy devices will be installed in the country. Oncological institutions of the republic will be equipped with the most modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. 

Guzal Sattorova, UzA



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