The program “20 thousand entrepreneurs - 500 thousand qualified specialists" will be implemented from June 1

It is noted that 200 billion soums are allocated annually for vocational training, but these resources are not commensurate with the needs of business entities for qualified specialists. 

16:48 15.05.2023
Attention of the heads of interested companies and firms!

Supply and Installation of Information Systems (Hardware and Software) for the Technological Infrastructure Upgrade in Data Center under the Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Related Services

13:43 17.04.2023
Artel becomes first private Uzbek manufacturing company to obtain credit rating Fitch Ratings assigns Artel Electronics LLC a first-time rating of ‘B’/Stable Outlook

July 12, 2021, Tashkent: Today, Artel Electronics LLC (“Artel”), Central Asia’s leading home appliance and electronics manufacturer and one of Uzbekistan’s largest companies, has received a first-time Fitch rating of ‘B’ with a stable outlook. Artel therefore becomes the first...

18:15 12.07.2021
Visit ancient Samarkand

Ancient and still more majestic Samarkand is impeccable. To get an idea of a powerful city, you need to visit this ancient place.

18:41 05.04.2018

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